A historic win!
Withdrawal of the Penalty at Age 65 for People with Disabilities
We applaud the action of the Minister of Finance, Mr. Éric Girard, in withdrawing the penalty at age 65 for people with disabilities.
This decision represents a historic win for all Quebecers living with a disability, who have fought for years to obtain justice.
A tribute to this victory’s key players
We offer our most sincere thanks to our attorneys, Me Julius Grey, Me André Laporte and especially Me Sophie Mongeon, who defended our cause with conviction and dedication before the Tribunal administratif du Québec and the Commission des droits de la personne et de la jeunesse.
We are also very thankful to the community groups who supported Les invalides au front—Mémo Québec, which joined us from the start, as well as COPHAN, RAPLIQ and the Club des personnes handicapées du Lac St-Louis, which subsequently followed. We also thank the three opposition groups, Linda Caron of the Liberal Party, Haroun Bouazzi of Québec Solidaire and Joël Arsenau of the Parti Québecois.
Our gratitude also extends to the FTQ and CSN central unions, and their affiliations, which have not only raised awareness about this injustice among their members, but have encouraged them to sign our petitions and participate in fundraising efforts.
A precious legacy for future generations
A special word for my father—one of the instigators of the class action—who denounced this injustice with courage and determination. Although he left us no financial inheritance, he left a priceless legacy to every Quebecer with a disability, now and in the future.
The power of numbers and collective action
And last but not least, we salute all the members of the movement Les invalides au front, who, through their actions, complaints, willingness to share and unwavering commitment, have helped to bring about change.
It is thanks to the power of numbers, social pressure and collective mobilization that we were able to bring down this discrimination. This victory is proof that we can make a difference when we are united and determined.
With the withdrawal of the penalty, the dates of September 24, 25, and 26, 2025
in Superior Court remain for clawback.
From the bottom of our heart, thank you everyone!
To understand the roots of our movement and january 2024 adjustments